Mobile Local Search

Mobile Local Search; Local Mobile Search; mobile video search

Despite a growing awareness for online spending, the majority of consumer transactions still happens locally – for simply reasons, really: you cannot get a hair cut from the Internet or get your car washed and most consumers still like to try on the clothes they are about to buy.

Another reason though is that mobile local search still does not fulfill the promises made by the currently leading search providers (see graphic).

Now Topsy Labs is taking another swing at it by releasing a social, realtime search engine for mobile devices. The mobile app enables users to discover trends about any topic based on data from Twitter and Google+.

The search engine comes with a clever “Social Time Machine” feature that enables users to look up results on a timeline that can be controlled with a slider.

Mobile Search StatisticsSearch queries can also automatically saved so users can revisit specific results at any time, and any piece of social content can be referenced historically for any topic, term or link.

Topsy cites a Performics study which states that 32% of users search more on mobile phones than they do on computers, and that 75% of users ople think that mobile search makes their life easier.
Well, let’s see ..

Topsy Labs is headquartered in San Francisco and was founded in 2006, the company is backed by BlueRun Ventures, Ignition Partners, Founders Fund and Scott Banister.